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The First Global Celebration Of PC GAMER

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The First Global Celebration Of PC GAMER


دوستان تا چند هفته دیگه 18sep منتظر جشن بزرگ NVIDIA برای PC GAMING باشید


On 9.18.14 at 6PM PDT, NVIDIA and the PC Gaming industry are kicking off an unprecedented 24-hour event. The goal of this event is simple – to celebrate this thing we all love called PC gaming. It will be packed with exclusive content, developer interviews, game reveals, give-aways, and more.

We’ll travel the globe to physical events in Los Angeles, Shanghai, Stockholm, London, and other locations—as well as to virtual stages around the world—to bring you 24 hours of PC gaming entertainment. Tune in to the livestream, join our physical events, and make sure you’re ready to game.

Tune in September 18th at 6 pm PDT to participate in this PC gaming holiday. Or register below to attend one of the local events in person. And be sure to check back later this week, as we count down the biggest gaming moments leading up to GAME24



ویرایش شده توسط VFSDF
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امیدوارم این قدر ها هم دنیای پی سی گیمینگ بر اساس سخت افزار پیش نره :mad:  وگرنه گاومون زاییده ، باز باید بریم کلی پول بدیم سخت افزار عوض کنیم ، خدا کنه dx12 به دادمون برسه *dry#

ویرایش شده توسط iMPACT
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