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مشکل مخفی شدن ایکن بلندگو

 اشتراک گذاری

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دوستان ایکن بلندگو کنار ساعت واسم مخفی شده


تو قسمت select which icons and notifications appear on the taskbar هم نبود.





لینک به دیدگاه
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  1. Restart the Windows Audio service.

    • open the Start menu
    • right-click on Computer and select Manage
    • navigate to "Services and Applications" → Services
    • right-click on Windows Audio and choose Restart


  2. Restart Explorer.exe.

    • press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and select Task Manager
    • go to the Processes tab and find explorer.exe
    • right-click it and select "End Process". Make sure you do not have any file operations (copy/move etc.) going. Explorer should automatically restart.
    • If it doesn't, then in Task Manager, go to File → "New Task (Run...)", type in explorer, click OK and it should be back.


  3. Restart the computer.

لینک به دیدگاه
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  1. Restart the Windows Audio service.

    • open the Start menu
    • right-click on Computer and select Manage
    • navigate to "Services and Applications" → Services
    • right-click on Windows Audio and choose Restart


  2. Restart Explorer.exe.

    • press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and select Task Manager
    • go to the Processes tab and find explorer.exe
    • right-click it and select "End Process". Make sure you do not have any file operations (copy/move etc.) going. Explorer should automatically restart.
    • If it doesn't, then in Task Manager, go to File → "New Task (Run...)", type in explorer, click OK and it should be back.


  3. Restart the computer.


مرسی از راهنمایی


حل شد @};-

لینک به دیدگاه
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