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AMD Catalyst 11.1a Hotfix (BETA 8.82.2)

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دوستان این hotfix جدید واقعا روی سری 6 عالی عمل میکنه مشاهده کنید خیلیم زیبا شده من به شخصه با 6870 نتایج جالبی گرفتم در ضمن کنترلر تسلیشن هم داره

<P itxtvisited="1">AMD Radeon HD 6900 and AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series:<BR itxtvisited="1">

  • <LI itxtvisited="1">3DMark Vantage improves ~7% <LI itxtvisited="1">3DMark06 improves ~3% <LI itxtvisited="1">Call of Duty Black Ops improves ~20% at 4xMSAA and up to 35% at 8xMSAA <LI itxtvisited="1">Riddick Assault on Dark Athena SSAO performance improves ~20%
  • Unigine Heaven OpenGL performance improves ~10% at moderate, 30% at normal and 100% at extreme tessellation levels

AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series:<BR itxtvisited="1">

  • <LI itxtvisited="1">Aliens vs. Predators improves ~9% at 2xMSAA and up to 20% at 4xMSAA <LI itxtvisited="1">Batman Arkham Asylum improves ~4% <LI itxtvisited="1">Crysis Warhead improves ~2-4%
  • Metro 2033 improves ~28% at 4xMSAA

AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series:<BR itxtvisited="1">

  • Battleforge DirectX 11 performance improves as much as 6%

New Tessellation Controls:<BR itxtvisited="1">

  • <LI itxtvisited="1">The Catalyst Control Center includes an early prototype of some new tessellation controls. Our goal is to give users full control over the tessellation levels used in applications. The default selection “AMD Optimized” setting allows AMD, on a per application basis, to set the best level of tessellation. The intention is to help users get the maximum visual benefit of Tessellation, while minimizing the impact on performance. Currently no applications have been profiled, so the “AMD Optimized” setting will be non-operational until further notice. <LI itxtvisited="1">“Use Application Settings” option gives applications full control over the Tessellation level. Users can also manually set the maximum tessellation level used by applications with the slider control
  • The long term goal for the “AMD Optimized” setting is to use the Catalyst Application Profile mechanism to control the AMD recommended level of tessellation on a per application basis. AMD’s intention is to set the tessellation level such that we will not be reducing image quality in any way that would negatively impact the gaming experience.

<P itxtvisited="1">AMD Radeon HD 6900 and AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series:<BR itxtvisited="1">

  • <LI itxtvisited="1">3DMark Vantage improves ~7% <LI itxtvisited="1">3DMark06 improves ~3% <LI itxtvisited="1">Call of Duty Black Ops improves ~20% at 4xMSAA and up to 35% at 8xMSAA <LI itxtvisited="1">Riddick Assault on Dark Athena SSAO performance improves ~20%
  • Unigine Heaven OpenGL performance improves ~10% at moderate, 30% at normal and 100% at extreme tessellation levels

AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series:<BR itxtvisited="1">

  • <LI itxtvisited="1">Aliens vs. Predators improves ~9% at 2xMSAA and up to 20% at 4xMSAA <LI itxtvisited="1">Batman Arkham Asylum improves ~4% <LI itxtvisited="1">Crysis Warhead improves ~2-4%
  • Metro 2033 improves ~28% at 4xMSAA

AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series:<BR itxtvisited="1">

  • Battleforge DirectX 11 performance improves as much as 6%

New Tessellation Controls:<BR itxtvisited="1">

  • <LI itxtvisited="1">The Catalyst Control Center includes an early prototype of some new tessellation controls. Our goal is to give users full control over the tessellation levels used in applications. The default selection “AMD Optimized” setting allows AMD, on a per application basis, to set the best level of tessellation. The intention is to help users get the maximum visual benefit of Tessellation, while minimizing the impact on performance. Currently no applications have been profiled, so the “AMD Optimized” setting will be non-operational until further notice. <LI itxtvisited="1">“Use Application Settings” option gives applications full control over the Tessellation level. Users can also manually set the maximum tessellation level used by applications with the slider control
  • The long term goal for the “AMD Optimized” setting is to use the Catalyst Application Profile mechanism to control the AMD recommended level of tessellation on a per application basis. AMD’s intention is to set the tessellation level such that we will not be reducing image quality in any way that would negatively impact the gaming experience.


ویرایش شده توسط mehdi over
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  • کاربر ویژه

دوستان این hotfix جدید واقعا روی سری 6 عالی عمل میکنه مشاهده کنید خیلیم زیبا شده من به شخصه با 6870 نتایج جالبی گرفتم در ضمن کنترلر تسلیشن هم داره

<P itxtvisited="1">AMD Radeon HD 6900 and AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series:<BR itxtvisited="1">

  • <LI itxtvisited="1">3DMark Vantage improves ~7% <LI itxtvisited="1">3DMark06 improves ~3% <LI itxtvisited="1">Call of Duty Black Ops improves ~20% at 4xMSAA and up to 35% at 8xMSAA <LI itxtvisited="1">Riddick Assault on Dark Athena SSAO performance improves ~20%
  • Unigine Heaven OpenGL performance improves ~10% at moderate, 30% at normal and 100% at extreme tessellation levels

AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series:<BR itxtvisited="1">

  • <LI itxtvisited="1">Aliens vs. Predators improves ~9% at 2xMSAA and up to 20% at 4xMSAA <LI itxtvisited="1">Batman Arkham Asylum improves ~4% <LI itxtvisited="1">Crysis Warhead improves ~2-4%
  • Metro 2033 improves ~28% at 4xMSAA

AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series:<BR itxtvisited="1">

  • Battleforge DirectX 11 performance improves as much as 6%

New Tessellation Controls:<BR itxtvisited="1">

  • <LI itxtvisited="1">The Catalyst Control Center includes an early prototype of some new tessellation controls. Our goal is to give users full control over the tessellation levels used in applications. The default selection “AMD Optimized” setting allows AMD, on a per application basis, to set the best level of tessellation. The intention is to help users get the maximum visual benefit of Tessellation, while minimizing the impact on performance. Currently no applications have been profiled, so the “AMD Optimized” setting will be non-operational until further notice. <LI itxtvisited="1">“Use Application Settings” option gives applications full control over the Tessellation level. Users can also manually set the maximum tessellation level used by applications with the slider control
  • The long term goal for the “AMD Optimized” setting is to use the Catalyst Application Profile mechanism to control the AMD recommended level of tessellation on a per application basis. AMD’s intention is to set the tessellation level such that we will not be reducing image quality in any way that would negatively impact the gaming experience.

<P itxtvisited="1">AMD Radeon HD 6900 and AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series:<BR itxtvisited="1">

  • <LI itxtvisited="1">3DMark Vantage improves ~7% <LI itxtvisited="1">3DMark06 improves ~3% <LI itxtvisited="1">Call of Duty Black Ops improves ~20% at 4xMSAA and up to 35% at 8xMSAA <LI itxtvisited="1">Riddick Assault on Dark Athena SSAO performance improves ~20%
  • Unigine Heaven OpenGL performance improves ~10% at moderate, 30% at normal and 100% at extreme tessellation levels

AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series:<BR itxtvisited="1">

  • <LI itxtvisited="1">Aliens vs. Predators improves ~9% at 2xMSAA and up to 20% at 4xMSAA <LI itxtvisited="1">Batman Arkham Asylum improves ~4% <LI itxtvisited="1">Crysis Warhead improves ~2-4%
  • Metro 2033 improves ~28% at 4xMSAA

AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series:<BR itxtvisited="1">

  • Battleforge DirectX 11 performance improves as much as 6%

New Tessellation Controls:<BR itxtvisited="1">

  • <LI itxtvisited="1">The Catalyst Control Center includes an early prototype of some new tessellation controls. Our goal is to give users full control over the tessellation levels used in applications. The default selection “AMD Optimized” setting allows AMD, on a per application basis, to set the best level of tessellation. The intention is to help users get the maximum visual benefit of Tessellation, while minimizing the impact on performance. Currently no applications have been profiled, so the “AMD Optimized” setting will be non-operational until further notice. <LI itxtvisited="1">“Use Application Settings” option gives applications full control over the Tessellation level. Users can also manually set the maximum tessellation level used by applications with the slider control
  • The long term goal for the “AMD Optimized” setting is to use the Catalyst Application Profile mechanism to control the AMD recommended level of tessellation on a per application basis. AMD’s intention is to set the tessellation level such that we will not be reducing image quality in any way that would negatively impact the gaming experience.

چرا برای سری 5000 درایور نمیده بیرون;)(;)(:((:(( شما که لینکشم نذاشتی اینو یکی از دوستان چند روز پیش پست زده بود که:o

ویرایش شده توسط HD5870
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من متاسفانه ندیده بودم پستشو در ضمن این 4 شنبه شب ریلیز شد

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فعلا تمام تمرکز AMD رو سری 6000 است و به نظر میسره اصلا سری 5000 یادیش رفته Oh%20Go%20On.gif . حالا ببینیم کی دوباره سراغ ما رفیقای قدیمی میاد ^^

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