رفتن به مطلب

مشکل ارور The parameter is incorrect در هارد اکسترنال

 اشتراک گذاری

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سلام دوستان من یک هارد اکسترنال به دستم رسیده

وقتی روی اون کلیک میکنم برای باز شدن به این ارور میخورم :



هارد رو فرمت هم نمیتونم بکنم ازتون راهنمایی میخواستم برای حل این موضوع مرسی.

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Try this first:

1. Boot with an Ubuntu Live disk and then try to access the drive and attempt recovery of the files.

If the above has no effect then, off to the next step:

2. chkdsk /F /R /X H: where H: is the drive letter. (Please run this from the CMD prompt and ensure you are logged in with ADMIN. Keep in mind that this may or may not work and as such you MAY lose your data on this drive.


If you used this method to rescue a failing disk, please be aware that your drive is not necessarily “fixed”. There is a good chance that the issue is hardware related, and T\the check-disk fix is likely only a temporary measure that might allow you to copy your data off the drive onto another media. If your hard drive failed this way once, chances are it will slowly deteriorate and fail again.

I strongly advise you to treat the “drive inaccessible” message as a clear indication that the drive is failing or about to fail. Please do not continue using a drive which failed this way without backing up all the data first.

As a side note...

One thing I have learned is that no one should ever trust a mechanical drive, and depending how important your data is, the more redundant backups you have the better. Just my two cents!





از اونجایی که شما میخواستی فرمت کنی پس دیتا ها نباید براتون مهم باشه !

شما از روش چک دیسک برو ببین چی میشه !

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