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The new Dual Drive Bay VGA Cooler with the HD 4870 X2 waterblock will enable the card to go up to 880MHz for the GPU's and up to 4,000MHz for the memory. In figures, this is a 13.5% overclock for the GPU's and 11% overclock for the memory. According to the press release, the new waterblock is aimed at users who want to push their ATI Radeon HD 4870 X2 card to a new level and leave it there for extended periods of time.

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Released during Siggraph 2008, the following NVIDIA driver release supports the latest OpenGL 3.0 specs. It's good to know, that this driver is aimed at developers only, and the new OpenGL 3.0 and GLSL 1.30 features are not enabled by default. They can be unlocked using the nvemulate utility, as described here. You'll also need one of the following graphics cards to enable the OpenGL 3.0 and GLSL 1.30 functionality.

Desktop: GeForce 8000 series or higher; GeForce GTX 260, 280; Quadro FX 370, 570, 1700, 3700, 4600, 4700x2, 5600

Notebook: GeForce 8000 series or higher; Quadro FX 360M, 370M, 570M, 770M, 1600M, 1700M, 2700M, 3600M, 3700M

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Fluid-cooling specialist Danger Den is ready with its Radeon HD 4870 X2 series water blocks designed to provide high-levels of thermal control to facilitate overclocking. The block provides full coverage cooling to the front part of the PCB that holds all the main components. The memory chips on the rear of the cards might still require passive cooling by means of heat-sinks.

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MSI, a leading manufacturer of computer products, proudly unveils its latest R4870-T2D1G graphics cards for the game enthusiasts. It comes with the 1G DDR5 memory which enables users to enjoy the DirectX 10 high-capacity 3D games easily and smoothly.

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Expertool V4.0 is a light weight ATI card utility. It is the first utility to provide fan speed control for HD 4850 and HD 4870. It is a international release, at lease it support both Chinese and English Windows.

Supports All reference HD 4870/4850, did not tested with non-ref version.

We encounter a small bug when playing with Expertool, the fixed speed can not adjusted lower to 50%.

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Remember the Catalyst 8.5 unveil HD 3730, HD 3410 and HD 3750 three month ago? Now 3dnews.ru posted some pics of the HD 3730 from Asus. GPU-Z screenshot is provided as the following. It seems HD 3730 works at 800/400MHz(Core/Memory), and comes with 1GB GDDR2 memory

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EKWaterBlocks Makes Available One More Full-Cover HD 4870 X2 GPU Block




Danger Den water blocks aren't for your taste, EKWaterBlocks is here to offer an alternative. On the same date DD showed its GPU block for ATI Radeon HD 4870 X2, EKWaterBlocks also said it will have a full-cover water solution for HD 4870 X2 that weights nearly a kilo (970g) and will be available after 20.8.2008. Typically for EK, there'll be three models of the same block design:

EK-FC4870 X2 CF - made of electrolytic copper with acrylic glass top

EK-FC4870 X2 - CF Nickel - base is made of electrolytic copper brushed to look like nickel, top is made of quality acrylic glass

EK-FC4870 X2 - Acetal CF - same as the first, with the only difference being the top made out of quality POM acetal

The prices for the three GPU water blocks are 109.96EUR, 119.50EUR and 114.95EUR respectively

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this upcoming 40nm chip but we do know that RV870 is codenamed Little Dragon. This is a performance chip and it is the base for R800, a dual RV870 card.

Little Dragon is a rather interesting codename and we know that we can expect this card in 2009, possibly even in 1H 2009.

This is definitely going to be one of the first 40nm cards around, at least from ATI’s workshop, and we’ve heard that Nvidia wants to go down the same 40nm path.

Traditionally, ATI was faster in transitioning to new processes, it did so with 65nm and 55nm and it remains to be seen if it can beat Nvidia to 40nm.

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new RV730 graphics processor from AMD, the Radeon HD 4600 series is set for a September release. There are two models to start with in this series: Radeon HD 4650 and Radeon HD 4670. The HD 4650 is positioned to compete with the GeForce 9500 GT while the HD 4670 is in improvement over it. Both cards are built for HD entertainment, media and casual gaming added.

Specifications for the HD 4650 are as follows:

600 MHz core speed

667 MHz memory speed

512 MB of DDR2 or GDDR3 memory

21.3 GB/s memory bandwidth

320 Stream Processors

384 GFLOPs of shader compute power

16 TMUs

UVD2 Video Processing Engine

55 W TDP, 55nm Silicon Fab. Process

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XpertVision is Palit's European VGA graphics cards brand. Only recently they released an announcement that the brands will merge again to become "Palit Microsystems Ltd.".

At the show we saw several new ATI based cards from Palit. Since their booth is located in the AMD hall, no NVIDIA cards were on display.

First up is the new Palit HD 4870 which does not use the AMD reference design. The cooler is equipped with two fans and is much quieter than the normal cards. The HD 4870 Sonic Dual features DisplayPort and a Turbo switch which allows you to change the clock frequencies on the fly. When in "Turbo" mode, the card runs at 775/1000 and 750/950 in "Normal" mode. Even in normal mode this is still an overclock over the AMD reference clocks.

The Palit HD 4850 Sonic is for the smaller wallet but still offers improvements. For example an 8-pin power connector is used instead of the usual 6-pin one. It also has a quieter fan and higher clocks than the AMD reference edition cards.

Last but not least, this "Gold Edition" card is basically a HD 4850 reference design board but with an improved cooler - at almost no cost. The clocks on this model are the reference design frequencies

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The GeForce 9400 series succeeds the 8400 series. It is expected that the 9400 GT offers twice the level of performance as its predecessor, the 8400 GS. TweakTown posted the first pictures of cards made by MSI. The first picture shows the 512 MB variant(model: N9400GT-MD512H), the second shows the passively cooled 256MB variant (model: N9400GT-MD256H). The cards come equipped with DVI, D-Sub connectors and a HDMI port on the card. Don't be mislead by the flashy packaging of this card - showing a knight with a sword (that's not a surfboard) - these cards serve primarily as entry level accelerators for media / HTPC purpose with some very casual gaming thrown in. According to TweakTown, it hits the shelves on August 26

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CoolIT Systems had several cooling products on site designed to reduce the noise and temperatures of the latest graphics cards from ATI and NVIDIA.

Just announced last week, Cooling System for the HD 4870 X2 using a 120 mm fan.

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The GeForce 9400 series succeeds the 8400 series. It is expected that the 9400 GT offers twice the level of performance as its predecessor, the 8400 GS. TweakTown posted the first pictures of cards made by MSI. The first picture shows the 512 MB variant(model: N9400GT-MD512H), the second shows the passively cooled 256MB variant (model: N9400GT-MD256H). The cards come equipped with DVI, D-Sub connectors and a HDMI port on the card. Don't be mislead by the flashy packaging of this card - showing a knight with a sword (that's not a surfboard) - these cards serve primarily as entry level accelerators for media / HTPC purpose with some very casual gaming thrown in. According to TweakTown, it hits the shelves on August 26

9400gt چجور کارتی هست ؟؟؟؟؟؟ قویه؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

قیمتش چنده؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

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دوست عزیز هنوز در مورد قیمتش اطلاعی در دست نیست چون تازه معرفی شده .ضمن اینکه این کارت جز کارتهای رده پایین ان وی دیا هست و قدرت چندانی ندارد.

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MSI has decided to make a nice looking system that has four HD 4870 cards which are placed in an acrylic case.

The showcased system isn't anything new as the HD 4870 has been around for a while, but the fun starts when you place your hand near the cards' exhaust. It gets really hot as we are talking about four cards that are packed tight in a small case. As far as we could tell the heat pushed out of the exhaust could easily be compared to a smaller hair dryer.

That's just the way things go now, powerful cards produce a lot of heat. Here is a picture of that system.

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HIS digital company usually equips AMD video cards with excellent cooling systems. Similar alternative products formed the series iceQ.

Here is the photographs of HIS radeon HD 4850 IceQ 4 Turbo. The transparent ice cover hides the decent sizes radiator. The cooler base is accurately made from copper .The memory microcircuit memory and power elements are equipped with their own radiators.

This video card has a 512 mb GDD3 memory , for the turbo model the frequencies are increased from default 625/1986 MHz to 650/2000 MHz.. The cost of this model in Japan is equal to $225.

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اقا اين icq4 چه مزيتي داره؟قابليت خنك كنندگيش خيلي بالاتر هست؟

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دوست عزیز این کارت هم قابلیت خنک کنندگیش بیشتر هست و هم مقدار کمی اورکلاک کارخانه ای شده.

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دوستان رقيب 9600 gt در محصولات ati كدام است؟3850؟


معمولا 9600 رو در اکثر موارد با 3850 مقایسه میکنن که نسبتا در بعضی از کارها در یک رده هستند .

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از دوستان كسي ميتونه يه توضيح مختصري درباره nvidia cuda بده؟يه محيط برنامه نويسي براي gpu هست؟كه بشه برنامه هاي مختلف رو با gpu پردازش كرد؟

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Thermalright company released a new video card cooler intended for NVIDIA video card (GTX 280 and GTX 260) , In this case the compatibility is limited to those two cards due to the difference in location of the mounting holes between different NVIDIA cards generation .

This cooler (Thermalright HR-03) include 6 heatpipes , two heatsinks (soldered) to maximize the cooling capacity , Heat pipes soldered every heatsink to increase the heat transfer efficiency ,Nickel-plated heatsink , two ways of mounting the cooler on video card . Moreover Thermalright includes the PWN-IC heatsink adapted for the best heat dissipation .

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