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از اونجایی که سازنده های هدست ***** هستن و همیشه سیم رو سمت چپ هدست وصل میکنن درصورتی کیس همیشه سمت راست هست ، بنده دنبال یه راه حل یا برنامه هستم صدای باند چپ رو به راست بده.


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یکسری چیزا هست که هیچ وقت تو فروم ایرانی پیدا نمیشه من برات سرچ کردم جواب ایناست منتها شما تست کن شاید جواب نده مثل اولین راه حل

نقل قول

You could get a cable that splits into two channels and one that merges them again. Then just swap the channels inbetween. For example this kind and this kind, if I read correctly... cables and audio isn't my thing :P Anyways, something along those lines should work maybe work?

نقل قول

Some soundcard drivers actually have an option to swap the left and right channels in their Control Panel applet (eg. A Realtek adapter I used to have did). I imagine this might have to do with the features of the specific sound chipset. Other drivers/chipsets don't.

Some games/applications have software methods to swap the left and right channels in their settings/configuration window/file (eg. Final Fantasy VII PC, Winamp). Others don't.

The only guaranteed-possible way to swap is to physically swap the wires/speakers in hardware.

نقل قول

Most media player software should be able to do it for you, so at least you can listen to music and watch movies properly — this should solve at least part of your problems.

Here is the solution in VLC player: Audio > Audiochannels > Reverse Stereo.

نقل قول

There is a software solution called Equalizer APO

  • configure it to attach to your output device (Usually something like: "Speakers - VIA HD Audio" or "Speakers - Realtek HD Audio")
  • create a new file in C:\Program Files\EqualizerAPO\config, for example swapchannels.txt
  • Paste the following line into it as its only content: Copy: L=R R=L, save the file
  • Open Equalizer APO's configuration editor, make sure that your device is the correct one in the dropdown menu on the top right
  • If applicable, remove all pre-configured options by clicking the red "minus" icon
  • Click the green "plus" icon to add a new configuration for your output device, then navigate to the "Include configuration file" option, select your swapchannels.txt file
  • Save/Apply the configuration. Left and right channel are swapped.

Source of tutorial here.

For my own case I ended up using headphones. Mostly left and right do not matter for Windows sounds or even not for music that runs in the background. However, for FPS games it matters a lot ;)

برای منم  Realtek  هست اما تیکی نداره برای جابجایی!

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اون راه اولیه فکر کنم جوابش برای اسپیکر هست نمیدونم برای هدفون میشه 


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ffdshow را نصب کنید و تنظیمات دلخواه را اعمال کنید.

نرم افزارهای دیگری نیز هست با این حال، ffdshow در کمال پیچیدگی، کاربری آسان تری دارد.


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